Microaggressions vs. Micro-rewards

Lamiyah Bahrainwala
5 min readApr 26, 2021

Why we need to move away from documenting pain to documenting rewards.

Anyone who’s been involved in diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity (DIBE) work has encountered the term “microaggression” — a term coined by Harvard’s first black physician Chester Pierce. These are everyday, hard-to-pinpoint slights that marginalized individuals have to deal with. This includes black women who don’t receive the simple courtesy of eye-contact, or Hispanic men who have their hotel key slid towards them instead of placed in their hand. In the academy, we discuss and document…



Lamiyah Bahrainwala

Lamiyah (or LB) is a professor and studies bizarre iterations of anti-Muslim sentiment and whiteness. She loves food, and that's all she has to say about that.